Progessive political podcasts with pitchforks, torches and pancakes

Friday, 23 April 2010

Episode One - Governor-General Hawkeye Pierce?

Taaaaa Daaaaaaa!

Host: Rev.Paperboy from The Woodshed, The Galloping Beaver

Find it on iTunes or download it here:

Maple Syrup Revolution, Episode One

And please -- leave a comment letting me know what you think so I can improve this podcast


  1. I'd like to thank the Rev for asking me to take part. Had a lot of fun yapping away, we could have spent hours more dissing the pols. A genial and bright host makes the interview process entirely painless and a lot of fun. Thanks Rev!

  2. What a GREAT idea! Have added this site to my reader subscriptions.

  3. Well done, guys!


  4. Have the icon on my front page ....

    Enjoyed the first - waiting for the rest ....
